United States Private Equity Council Partnership/united-states-private-equity-council-partnership/index

Create competent professionals, trained and qualified on global skills standards in private equity. USPEC partners with universities and business schools to establish robust mechanisms of education and training that are of the highest quality and adhere to high standards of professional excellence in private equity. USPEC partnership programs give you access to a wellspring of expertise in private equity professional education fitting to your unique environment, education objectives, and learning needs.

Private Equity Partner

USPEC - Recognized Universities & Institutions*

Universities and Business Schools

Ensure your graduates are fully equipped for the workforce by providing them with a clear pathway to the esteemed CPEP™ certification.

Establish a mechanism that enhances student employability, career readiness, and growth lookout, which sets them up for future success. Gain access to exclusive resources, processes, and PE knowledge to train students on global standards and get them USPEC-certified right within campuses.

USPEC's academic partnership provides institutions with a convenient and cost-effective way of qualifying their finance students for the CPEP™ Charter. By affiliating with USPEC, business and finance schools can strengthen the rigor of their teaching and learning processes while aligning their curricula to global standards. Additionally, institutions can offer CPEP™ exam preparation to industry professionals in an executive education format, enabling them to return to the institution reenergized and ready to drive growth at all levels.

USPEC Universities & Business Schools Partnership Programme
Apply for USPEC Affiliation

Experience the Benefits and Perks

Partnering with USPEC can help bring a fresh perspective, additional resources, and valuable skills to your organization.

  • 01.

    Create a center for excellence in private equity on your campus.

    Establishing a center for excellence in private equity within your campus premises can prove to be a great initiative. It can serve as a hub for students and professionals alike to gain comprehensive knowledge and insights into the dynamic world of private equity. The center can offer various programs, workshops, and seminars to provide a holistic understanding of the industry, its trends, and future prospects. Additionally, it can help foster collaborations between academia and industry, leading to innovative research and practical solutions. Overall, a center for excellence in private equity can create a conducive environment for learning and growth, attracting students, faculty, investors, and industry experts.

  • 02.

    Build a contoured system of getting students, members, and personnel USPEC-certified affordably and conveniently.

    Creating a specialized system for obtaining USPEC certification within your campus can be a beneficial undertaking. It can provide a convenient and cost-effective way for students, members, and personnel to achieve this certification and gain comprehensive knowledge and insights into the world of private equity. The system can offer various programs, workshops, and seminars, enabling individuals to understand the industry's trends, future prospects, and overall workings. Furthermore, it can facilitate collaborations between academia and industry, leading to innovative research and practical solutions. Ultimately, this contoured certification system can create a conducive environment for learning and growth, attracting students, faculty, investors, and industry experts.

  • 03.

    Reinforce your university & institutions/ organizations’ brand visibility by partnering with USPEC’s vast array of knowledge and credentialing standards.

    Partnering with USPEC's extensive knowledge and credentialing standards can enhance the visibility of your university or organization's brand. By creating a specialized system within your campus, you can offer students, members, and personnel a convenient and cost-effective way to obtain USPEC certification and gain comprehensive insights into the private equity industry. Through various programs, workshops, and seminars, individuals can grasp the industry's trends, future prospects, and overall workings. This partnership can also foster collaborations between academia and industry, leading to innovative research and practical solutions. Ultimately, this contoured certification system can create an optimal learning environment, attracting students, faculty, investors, and industry experts.

  • 04.

    Deliver the most relevant educational training, experience, and qualification.

    Ensure that the educational training, experience, and qualifications provided are highly relevant to the PE industry or field of work. This will ensure that the students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their career path.

Organizations where CPEP Certified
Professionals Work

  • Aleyo Capital
  • Apex
  • Boston Consulting Group
  • Cognizant
  • DXC Technology
  • Mckinsey and Company
  • Salaam Group
  • Standard Chartered
  • ZB Capital
  • BNP Paribas
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Plus Capital
  • Raiffeisen Bank Capital
  • logo

Join And Grow With USPEC

Empower your students and personnel with the knowledge and skills to stay ahead of an ever-changing profession. Help them deliver successful and innovative solutions in the private equity industry.

Training Companies Partnership
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